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马昊伯 aelf创始人,好扑创始人兼CEO 区块链行业专家,数字资产领域早期从业者 曾任GemPay CTO、AllCoin CTO 现任中国电子协会区块链专家委员会委员 陈注伶 麻省理工毕业生 多年全球顶级咨询公司经验 参与跨国公司及政府的战略制订与推动 傅理 香港理工大学软件科技硕士, 开源社区KOL(id:xtaci), 资深互联网技术专家, 涉及通信网络, 地图导航, 手游等多个领域 杨亚龙 Monash大学PhD 专攻地理空间和交易网络的数据可视化



高性能:aelf的全节点能够运行在服务器集群上 资源隔离:每一个智能合约拥有一条自己的区块链 治理&发展:代币持有人的委托票选制度


aelf将构建一个技术+商业应用+资本三线合并的全新生态模式 使aelf生态基金,奖励对生态有贡献者,与VC和其他基金一起对前沿创新技术进投资 成立商业联盟与创业公司、大型型企业一同推动基于aelf的商业创新;与国际咨询公司联合探索新的商业模式


2019年1月13日,全球知名区块链新闻及信息分析平台Coin Rivet发表了AElf联合创始人陈注伶关于讨论“2019年是否是传统行业积极利用区块链技术的一年”的区块链话题文章。文章现已登上Coin Rivet“专家洞察力”版块的首页推荐。 文章主要讲述2019年将成为区块链行业尤为关键的一年。届时,主流传统企业将更为广泛地利用区块链解决方案,具有落地价值的项目将获得公众更多的支持。 10年前,第一枚数字货币被开采出来,区块链技术首次得到应用。如今,随着区块链项目的逐渐成熟,其技术提供的透明性和高效率等特性被越来越多的传统企业所认可,很多项目正在推动更多传统企业和用户采用基于区块链技术的解决方案。另外,如aELF的创新联盟等计划还有助于将企业与可靠的项目联系起来,并通过提供建议、资源和资金支持的方式来提供支持。 在“非加密”世界中,尚未被区块链技术改变的行业将越来越多地看到用区块链技术解决方案的好处。比如降低交易费用,提高数据管理效率,以及增加可追溯性。随着企业开始利用区块链技术进行颠覆性的变革,未来传统企业对区块链解决方案的需求将会增加。零售和机构投资者也将承认,区块链技术将为传统金融市场带来前所未有的效率。 aelf联合创始人陈注伶表示:“毫无疑问,区块链技术最终将实现跨行业的大规模使用。区块链历经10年演变,我们从认知其具有创新性的技术理念,到它拥有真正变革性的技术力量,该技术已经建立起其独有的商业解决方案。我相信,2019年将是我们见证区块链技术被更广泛地接受和利用的一年。” Coin Rivet是一个专注于数字资产及区块链的全球性新闻网站,是一个完全独立的出版物,内容涵盖基于区块链的数字资产、分布式账本技术(DLT)、分布式应用、钱包、交易所等。Coin Rivet致力于通过提供行业专家对于区块链的见解、分析以及区块链新闻来开启这一领域的变革,降低所有人进入区块链世界的门槛。


《Will 2019 be the year of mainstream blockchain adoption》 When the first Bitcoin block was mined 10 years ago, it marked the day blockchain technology was first employed for a real-world application. Fast forward to today, the technology is recognised across the globe for its ability to deliver transparency and efficiency. Yet adoption rates have not matched the hype, despite almost every traditional industry starting to dip their toes into these waters. Show me the code! 2019 will be a critical year for the cluttered blockchain space, when the winners will be separated from the rest. Projects with solid, real-world use cases will begin to see increased support and interest from the general public, while lesser projects that are merely an idea on paper will cease to exist. The shift in attention towards maturing projects (projects like aelf and others are set to launch their mainnets in 2019) will promote their sustainable growth, further supporting adoption rates as businesses look towards them for concrete and developed blockchain solutions. Back to growth indicators As mature projects cONTinue to take shape within the blockchain sphere, inveSTOrs in projects are also shifting their focus from price and market capitalisation towards active users and transaction volumes. Projects recognise this shift, and are spearheading initiatives that are encouraging more businesses and users to adopt blockchain-based solutions. Other than creating awareness of the advantages of using these solutions, initiatives such as aelf’s Innovation Alliance also help link businesses with solid projects and lend additional support by providing advice, resource and capital support. Hi non-crypto world In the “non-crypto” world, industries that have not yet been disrupted by blockchain technology will increasingly see the benefits of implementing solutions into their processes, including lower transaction fees, effective and efficient management of data, and improved traceability. In line with efforts supporting growth and adoption, the demand for solutions is set to increase as businesses tap into the transformative and disruptive power of blockchain technology. Tokenize everything under regulation Beyond business use cases, retail and institutional investors are acknowledging and taking advantage of the power of blockchain technology to bring unprecedented efficiencies to traditional financial markets. For example, the emerging security token industry, a hot topic in the crypto sphere, is lauded for its ability to bring greater liquidity to financial markets. Security tokens can be traded anytime, anywhere, and have already been labelled as the bridge between traditional finance and blockchain, and an alternative to equities and bonds. The potential for security tokens to perform as a solid investment tool is expected to bring greater attention to the blockchain sphere in 2019, giving the crypto market and blockchain technology a well-deserved boost. There is no doubt that blockchain technology will eVENtually achieve mass adoption across industries. We have witnessed a series of evolutions since its inception a decade ago. From acknowledgement of its transformative and disruptive powers to exploring the potential of the technology, the industry is starting to identify and build on practical business solutions. To enjoy continued, robust development, the blockchain community will need to ensure that the rising demand for solutions is met with a steady growth in skilled blockchain developers and professionals to facilitate the needs of the industry. As long as the industry continues to witness sustained interest from businesses and commitment from projects to deliver effective solutions, I am confident 2019 will be the year we start to see the technology being embraced and adopted on a wider scale.
